New Gen Buy web site goes live!
I recently helped design and build a web site announcing the new book Gen Buy by Dr. Kit Yarrow (my colleague from Golden Gate University) and her co-author Jayne O’Donnell.
They interviewed many members of Generation Y (also known as Millenials, people who have been born since 1980) and studied their influence on shopping and retail in America.
This complex generation can best be reached through a deep understanding of what makes them tick. In their ground- breaking book, they explore the psychological and social underpinnings of what Gen Yers want, why they buy, and how to best engage them. Gen BuY outlines practical suggestions for marketers on how to harness this group’s incredible buying power – and arms consumers with a better understanding of what triggers their own shopping and buying.
Check it out here – it is one of my rare forays into visual design and coding.